How to Create Customer Advocates

On a scale of 1-10, how much does your company value customer advocacy? To tell you the truth, viewing customer advocacy as anything less than a 10 (major business priority) means that your company is likely missing out on opportunities to reduce customer acquisition cost, boost brand awareness, and increase revenue. That’s why customer advocacy makes up ⅓ of Revenue Operations, along with lead generation and sales conversion. It’s a vital part of business growth!

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Empowering a Strong CRO: What is Needed for Success

An effective Chief Revenue Officer is an integrator. A successful facilitator. A tech-savvy leader who is the champion of companywide objectives across all departments. Ultimately, a CRO knows when, where, and how to ensure anything and everything that affects revenue outcomes – all people, process, and data – is on track.

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7 Things to Consider Before a Price Change

In today’s dynamic global economy, we all know that change is constant and increasingly faster. Your company’s ability and agility to adjust quickly to market changes impacts your revenues and profitability, especially when it comes to pricing and price changes.

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Atomic Revenue Congratulates George Bardenheier Jr. on his New Role

Posted by Kristin D. Sadler

Atomic Revenue announces the transition of George Bardenheier Jr. as Chief Revenue Advisor to Advisory Board Member. In this position, he can continue to support Atomic Revenue’s progress and innovation alongside his new full-time position as Executive Vice President of Marketing at Spring-Green Enterprises, a Chicago-based, nationwide lawn services and pet services company, with whom he has been consulting as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). At Spring-Green Enterprises, George will oversee their omni-channel marketing team and the B2C and B2B marketing strategies and implementation for both – the corporation and the franchisees.

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How Manufacturers Can Finish Stronger in 2020

Last month, our team helped lead another edition of Midwest Manufacturing Advisers’ Tough Topics in Manufacturing webinar series, featuring speakers from Swip Systems, Mueller Prost, Evans & Dixon, and Atomic Revenue. In keeping with the theme, our panelists discussed manufacturing business strategies (both pre- and post-COVID), technology and remote working, employee safety, budgetary factors to consider in 2021, marketing and sales strategies, workplace environments, and more.

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What are the Best Social Media Networks for B2B Companies?

No matter how you slice it, you can’t afford to NOT be on social media. Yes, even you, B2B companies. Regardless of what you sell and who you sell it to – I’ll re-state what we at Atomic Revenue continue to drive home to our clients – you are selling to people. And what do people do when they are not working? How do they communicate with their peers and family, learn new things, keep an eye on their industry, get to know new people at companies, and become inspired? Social media. No matter what products or services you offer, you can benefit from B2B social media marketing.

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Why It's Great to Work at Atomic Revenue

To be a contractor, employee, or partner with Atomic Revenue is a unique, limitless experience. On the face of it, we are a group of laptop-using, earbud wearing entrepreneurs across the nation who are subject matter experts (SMEs) and strategists with specialties that help our clients with data-driven, end-to-end revenue production™. However, beyond what defines us as professionals, the Atomic Revenue team has a rare bond and an amazing culture – we know that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

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What’s a Typical Engagement with Atomic Revenue?

How does your company make money? How difficult is it to reach your goals? Where do even start to affect change? To answer these and other important questions, Atomic Revenue looks at the entire process of how revenue flows through your company, starting with a diagnosis of over 130 revenue-related processes to learn what roadblocks need to be removed. Then we resolve the issues with a data-driven strategy, and finally optimize the results to ensure you reach your revenue goals with more efficiency and less struggle, year-over-year.

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Why Do I Need a B2B Copywriter?

Most companies use staff members – administrative assistants, interns, executives, salespeople – to write their websites, blogs, and other digital marketing, as well as their collateral and printed sales pieces. Many business owners get involved and write it themselves. But is this good practice?

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Client Closes $100K+ in NEW Sales in the First 90 Days

A family-owned, St. Louis-based commercial printing company, The Advertisers Printing Company, proves you’re never too old for growth and change. For nearly a century, this business has stayed at the forefront of modern printing and cutting-edge technology. So why did the third- and fourth-generation owners decide to work with Atomic Revenue?

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