When initially discussing this post with my Atomic Revenue colleague Steph Nissen, I envisioned a flashy, trend-laden piece that would have readers licking their chops ready to launch into the new decade with the glitziest social media updates ever – #2020vision!
The most common complaints about Facebook advertising are boosting a post for a few dollars with no results and, in most cases, having no idea where to even start. It’s a complicated process, and being successful with digital advertising can take time. You are learning a new skill, after all.
The goal of digital operations (re digital marketing, digital sales, and digital customer service) – no matter what year it is, who our target market is, or what technologies emerge – is to get and keep your audience’s attention.
If “customer satisfaction” is the main goal you strive for in your business, then you are severely missing the mark. Unhappy customers almost always, without a doubt, complain and tell others about poor experiences with your company, while satisfied customers are generally just that – content and happy with your product or service but usually very quiet about it!
As a young graphic designer, I came up in the agency world as many of us do. I worked on typical projects such as packaging, collateral, websites, branding, etc. without much involvement in the "why" of what was being designed. My main goal was to “impress my boss” and “prove my worth” by creating aesthetically pleasing work.