What is Brand Strategy?

Posted by Serge Traylor

Most of us grew up learning the Golden Rule in life – "do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” When it comes to building and sustaining a successful brand, the thought is the same. Your brand strategy should focus on your audience and how they feel you are treating them, that you are there to help them. Much the same way you want to be cared for when you hire a company or buy a product.

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Atomic Revenue Wins First Clutch Review: B2B Go-To-Market Services

A strong B2B go-to-market strategy must have messaging elements like target market and competitive differentiation, brand strategy, and supporting digital operations elements, such as websites. Integrating branding with effective, customer-friendly web design is a key step in making an impression and being memorable among website visitors and potential customers. Consistency and creativity are essential to creating an effective go-to-market strategy and a recognizable brand with a powerful digital footprint and do it well.

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Why B2B Branding is Important – the Stewards of Trust in the Post-COVID Market

Most consumers understand the value of branding. When asked, people can point to their favorite brands and say why they like them and are loyal to them. With the uncertainty of COVID, people are relying on the brands they trust, not only as sources of information and products that can help them get through these difficult times but also for emotional support. 

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Things to Consider During Logo Design

Posted by Adrienne Luther

When starting a business or refreshing your current business image, your logo portrays as much as anything you can say or do – especially when it comes to first impressions. You know what they say – you only get one chance – so make it memorable with a logo that depicts your message,  brand, and your style.

Designing Logo Tips

Here is a guide for things to consider as you embark on choosing a logo and launching your business brand to new heights.

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Graphic Design: Designed to Sell

Posted by Jessica Temming

As a young graphic designer, I came up in the agency world as many of us do. I worked on typical projects such as packaging, collateral, websites, branding, etc. without much involvement in the "why" of what was being designed. My main goal was to “impress my boss” and “prove my worth” by creating aesthetically pleasing work.

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